I heart Pinterest! Yes, it's no secret. I could spend hours pinning away. I sound like Dory from the Nemo Movie, "pinning, pinning, pinning".
{ I hope that song is now in your head and out of mine}
Here are some things I'm going to attempt to make this weekend for Valentines Day. I hope you get some Pinspiration from these great recipes and blog links to make it a beautiful day with your loved ones.
Super Easy Welcome Sign

These are made from Oreo Cakesters {Yay, no baking, shhhhhh}
These shouldn't be too difficult {If you don't sew, you can make them with paper}
I received one of these pie molds for Christmas {Thanks Chantel}
Happy Friday and Happy Pinning!
You can follow my boards by clicking the button at the top of this blog and if you're not pinning and have no clue what I'm talking about, please send me an email and I'll send you an invite (yep, you need an invite- sounds VIP, right?)
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