I started my Costume Collection last night and wanted to share my Pumpkin Patch Princess Costume. I just love it and actually tried the headpiece on my 9 year old. Very Very Cute. I think Ill also make a Pumpkin Patch Princess Dress Tutu. Working on a witchypoo tutu right now. Does anyone have any costume suggestions for me?
just popping in and saying hello. I know how frustrating it is no one comment on your post(eventhough you know people are passing through)
So I say HELLO and I do love your tutus I have seen them on Esty :)
Good week
Oh My! You make and sell these? My daughter and niece have a serious tutu obsession we must talk!
SO cute! Great job planning way ahead for Halloween. I don't even ask my kids until we go shopping what they want to be. Maybe I can dress Saryn in one of your tutu's. ae
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