My daughters 11th birthday was a few weeks ago and I asked her what she wanted to do- She seems to think I can make anything and came up with an Alice in Wonderland Party but wanted a Purple Theme as well. I tried to talk her in to the skating rink, the go cart place or maybe the movies. Not so much. She insisted I could do it! So here is what I came up with:
I started on Pinterest to get some ideas. If you have never visited Pinterest you are missing out. Its addicting and I spend hours on the website pinning away....
I started with making tophats for 10 of the girls plus 1 boy (my nephew Jameson). Ashley wanted them all to have purple feathers to stay in the theme.
Since I have an embroidery machine for my onesies and have been dying to embroider everything in sight- I decided that each guest should have a chair cover with their name on it. So I bought white material and cut it with pinking shears and made these:
I wanted to do a photo booth for the girls so I was throwing away an large old frame and kept it, spray painted it purple and hung it under the playset out back:
I knew props would be helpful so I found some on etsy to stay in the theme:
Here is my candy table and some really cute tags that say Eat Me and Drink Me... (those were my favorite)
I found some purple bags for the candy at Michaels and stamped them with a cake tied with tulle- perfect for a take away:
Notice the cute little bottles I bought on etsy and filled with pixie stix sugar above ;)
I set my table with my grandmother and mothers tea cups, purple table wear, lots of flowers, covered the chairs with purple material tied with purple tulle and hung poms in my living room:
Ashley decorated some Rice Crispy Treats to look like playing cards:
I found a tutorial on etsy to purchase to make your own Alice in Wonderland croquet set. Guess what the hubby worked on for 2 weeks? Yep..... He's so crafty... We made 10 mallets and 2 mini mallets for the little ones. Lots of work but worth it.
Ashley blinged her mallet out as you can see. Here are the stakes and we used tennis balls for the balls:
I was too busy to make a cake so I bought one. If you're in the Las Vegas area, Cake World has awesome custom cakes. I took a few pics to the pastry chef and he made this for me:
No party is complete without Spaghetti Tacos from the tv show I-Carly:
And everyone needs a magician come to their party:
Did I mention that I made everyone wear purple to the party including my husband? This is the only shirt I could find that Ashley and I liked:
My daughter came home from college and dressed up like Alice in Wonderland for the party:
The magician and guests |
It was a successful party and everyone had fun- especially Ashley!
I'm linking up today over at the CSI Project-