Monday, March 12, 2012

A little update

Whew, it's been a long week and a fabulous weekend.  My husband and I had a brilliant idea to have a garage sale.  We chose a date which meant we actually had to do it.  The cleaning and clearing of the house started about 2 weeks ago and this past week we were down to the wire.  Saturday morning came way to quick.  The weather was perfect {70's here in Vegas} and ALOT of people came.  We ended the day around noon with almost everything gone.  Success!

The hubs decided to use the money and take a little trip with my brother to Harbor Freight and get a new HUGE rolling toolbox.  Yah, I knew I wouldn't see him the rest of the weekend but he was so happy to get organized.

Spring has arrived- What are you doing to get ready? Organizing? Cleaning? Decorating?

{Check out this Calendar to get you motivated}

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the declutter calendar, totally need something to get motivated this year!
