Saturday, January 28, 2012

Project Life

I've always been a huge picture person.  Every trip or event I take 30-200 pictures.  My closet is full of photo boxes, memory books and tubs of my children's drawings and awards.  I have scrap books for both my children; one is a baby book and one is an elementary book.  As I get busier and they get busier it's harder and harder to take the time to actually "scrapbook".  The digital camera doesn't help either since I just download my pictures and don't physically see them, but I feel they are forgotten.  (Back in the day- I would get my film developed and ALWAYS get double prints.)  

I was searching around and found Becky Higgins-Project Life.  It's a genius idea and a mother's ticket to scrapbooking.  I placed my order immediately.

cultivate a good life by Becky Higgins

Here's what I got:

12x12 Binder in Clementine
Project Life Core Kit
Photo Pocket Pages in 6x12, 12x12, 4x6 

I wanted so much more!  This will give me 48 pages to start with.  I'm going to start with 2012 and work my way back.........  

3-5 days for shipping seems sooooooooo long right now~ I better get my pictures developed so I'm ready when UPS arrives.  

Stay Tuned for my Project Life-

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