Monday, February 28, 2011

The Gift Show

I went to the ASD show yesterday in hopes of finding some beautiful ribbon and gems for my tutus and bows. What I found was alot of jewelry and purses. When I say a LOT of jewelry I mean it. I had a buyer pass to get in so obviously it was wholesale. The next time I go to Claires to pay full price for anything I'm going to think twice now that I know how much they really paid for it. I found some tulle and ribbon (made in China) and some other items that could have worked but were (made in China). I decided that Handmade items are where I want to be using only made in the USA tulle. I took my friend BellaWink thinking there would be fabric there. NOT........ and she hates to shop. So I tortured her the entire day running through the Convention Center and the Sands Expo because I dont like to miss anything. Thanks Danyell. Thank goodness there were some really cool leather wrist bracelets that she wanted so we stopped at all of the booths carrying those to buy and browse.

I'm adding another thing to my bucket list; be a buyer for a childrens store, purse buyer or just work a booth at a convention with something really cool to sell.

Happy Monday!

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