Thursday, February 24, 2011

Better at Blogging

Well.......... I have decided to start blogging again. I was thinking that on some days my tutus and bows are just not newsworthy but I find other "favorite things" every day. So I'm going to share my "favorite things" as well as new tutu ideas and my new "favorite thing" to make- the fabric rosette. I finally figured out that I dont have time to sit at a sewing machine. Okay, thats life. What do I do with the beautiful material that I have and love??? So I learned how to make fabric rosettes for my embellishing my tutus and matching hairbows or bowbands. I have about 40 made in a bowl on the counter right now. I love them all. Each one is unique and twisted just a little different. Here's my problem; because they are so beautiful I dont want to give them away or sell them. Yes, I need to get over it.

Have a great day~

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